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Coffee Always Cold©

February 3, 2010

Growing up, we never had coffee in our house.  My mom went to work each morning with no help from stimulants.  A babysitter gave me tea one day and I never looked back.

I drank tea in the afternoons.  Sometimes I put milk in it (but that always made it too cold.)  Sometimes I squeezed lemon in it (but one drop too many made it too tart.)  I always put in sugar.

When Starbucks became popular I drank their mochas and became a believer.  But it was just an occasional treat.  I felt proud that I never required it.

Now that I have kids, I require it.  Every morning, right before or during breakfast.  And if I drink it anytime after 10 a.m. the flavor changes and it doesn’t taste the same.

This presents an interesting dilemma that’s new every morning:  Will today be the day I drink my coffee while it’s still hot?

It never is the day.  That day has never come. 

Even when I strain against all the forces pulling my children to do their child-like things, and even when I try to control outside influences from intruding into our home, I end up drinking my morning delight lukewarm.

I’ve tried to make it the minute my feet hit the cold carpet.  But during the time it takes to brew, my children are clamoring for juice and then my son has a meltdown trying to work the remote control.

I’ve set the delay on Mr. Coffee to be ready first thing.  But it always falls on a day we have to be somewhere early and I only get two sips of the whole thing.

I pour my mug right after my shower only to forget that now I have set in motion a countdown to style my hair during the critical drying stage.  If I miss that window of time, my hair refuses to cooperate and will be ruined for the rest of the day.

I pour the coffee right as I’m sitting down to breakfast (cue catastrophe.)  Any number of events can be placed here:  A knock on the door from a delivery man.  An urgent phone call from my husband telling me to reboot his computer.  Son takes favorite toy from daughter causing the end of the world as we know it.  Daughter has a poopy diaper that has been allowed to sit until now and cannot be delayed one more minute.  Must check Facebook page for status updates.  (Okay, so that’s my fault.)

Instead, I decide to go for second prize and indulge in an old-fashioned cup of tea.  I’m allowed to sit and drink it hot from start to finish. 

Yesterday I found a new blend of tea leaves:  “Dark Roast” it said.  Will this be enough to fool my mug, children, and the crowd of delivery men just primed to ring our door bell?

I think it’s an idea worth steeping.

©2010, Kim Knuth.  All rights reserved.

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